I was commissioned by a member of Etsy to build some
Gears of War miniatures as a gift. Here are Damon Baird, Augustus "The Cole Train" Cole, and a Locust Drone. Behold:

Baird, Cole and the Locust Drone stand approximately 2.5" (6.35 cm) high. Their battle armor is built from felt and little balsa wood risers in their boots. Baird wields a shotgun, the Drone packs a sub-machine gun, and Cole has that wicked assault rifle with the chainsaw underneath- all the weapons are built from plastic, wood and felt.
I finally broke down and bought a used copy of
Gears of War for reference. (Video games as tax write-offs. My job now officially
pwns.) Frankly I don't get excited anymore over soldiers in big bulky battle armor, looking like Volkswagen Impersonators, or V.I. JOEs for short. ALIENS was 20 years ago, and that's all I'll say because
that little nugget of knowledge packs glass shards in it, and doesn't go down quite so easily.
I always thought
GoW was a
first-person shooter which- unless it's
Condemned- doesn't do much for me either-
o Frith and Inle; I'm impossible to please. Turns out the game is in
third-person perspective. I see what the fuss is about- it's memorable, it's exciting, and it's actually pretty innovative. Shooting petrol tanks to light up the night and (old school alert!) thwart the grues, though, is very intense. Remember the grues from
Zork...? They now have wings. And numbers.
I'm not sold on the cover system, probably because the auto-aim of both
Manhunt or
Grand Theft Auto IV have spoiled me. I
know I don't like enemies that take six or seven rounds to the head before sating the maggot munchies. And I am amused that super-soldier Marcus Fenix can't jump over anything in his path unless he first bashes the object with his armored butt.
...Anyway, my birthday is coming up and it's around
this time that I inform people of what I would like. My mantra has always been Horror Movies~Heavy Metal~Video Games~
Horror Movies~Heavy Metal~Video Games and it rings louder in this economy. Three pages of ideas comprise my
Amazon Wish List, and I also decree that my thirty-fucking-seventh year on Earth shalt be heralded with Liu Kang- that Shaolin slab of mutton-
getting his teeth kicked in by The Joker. ...Let's hear you cluck your HAI-YAHs through cheeks pulled back to your EARS, cheese-boy...!If you want to get creative on me I would love an official
Blood Island- you know, the Shark Board- professionally printed and Plak-It'ed for AMPUTHEATRE combat- but that'd be kind of hard to surprise me with. You'd have to wrestle me to the ground and run off with my AMPUTHEATRE data, specifically the Official Board CD and the Dremel Font, and assure me that it would all be for a good cause.
...What might be easier? Learn enough Cyrillic to go to
Alkonost's official website and buy me an album. Say it with me:
Now if you'll excuse me, I feel the need to
storm something.