Friday, February 22, 2013

The Gil-Monster says check it out

Things to make note of 'afore I bind myself to the Desks Of Monster Making and Game Writing...

On the Facebook wall of the incomparable Joe Bob Briggs is a photo of his Lego self squaring off against a Yeti. That sure is a cute Lego figure; I don't know where the Yeti came from myself OH WAIT IT WAS ME

Next up, my friends Chris Pallace and Kevin Serwacki have submitted a design towards Dunn Tire in Rochester for a kick-ass giant golf ball in the shape of... nahhhh; you'll have to go see what it is and vote for it right damn now. I don't know if anyone TRULY needs a panoramic globe skyline against an ACTUAL skyline. (You NEED pipe cleaner Yetis, though. Who would Lego Joe Bob drink with?)

And on a more serious note, my wife Dee Fenestrate has started up a petition to the White House to restore the rights of gay men to donate blood. It's great to know that even though we can build a living sheep out of another living sheep, we apparently still think AIDS is only caused by Teh GAY. What has Magic Johnson been DOING with his time? So go sign that now, and link to it- we need a LOT more signatures, and the Red Cross ALWAYS needs blood.

(They call us on occasion, and we have to tell them no every time; we just got tattoos. But there's this lovely gay couple down the street that thinks tattoos are icky...)

-The Gil-Monster